Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sunday Scribblings - A New Leaf

This new leaf is small and fresh green. It is fragile and tightly curled. It is growth and new life. Somehow this plant, which for so long held the same branches in just the same way, mysteriously formed new stems and leaves and now sprouts this new growth.

A mystery too, is starting 2010 holding onto the knowledge that I am 8 weeks pregnant. I walk in humble amazement of how this tiny baby is developing and growing inside me. Out of microscopic cells now exists a small life, which has arms, and legs and a beating heart. Although the only sign I have of this new life so far is a blurry picture, this little one is already sapping my energy, taking away my appetite and stealing my heart.

As this new leaf grows into a branch, I know it will be heavy, and it will make the tree bend to support its weight. At this time, I realise that I can’t fully grasp how much change this baby (who is still just the size of an olive) will bring to my life. But I also anticipate that in time, with new life and new growth, will come flowers and fruit and beauty, and all kinds of good things.

Another new leaf which I hope to turn this year is to write more regularly and to be daring enough to put my writing in places where people might read it. I used to participate in Sunday Scribblings some years ago, and have decided to come back again for the good of my soul - to give me a prompt to write about something at least weekly.

Hello 2010...


  1. Beautifully said!

    Congratulations on your new little leaf. I'm glad you decided to share with Sunday Scribblings.

  2. A new leaf, a sign of hope. Enjoy 2010.

  3. How lovely! A new leaf, a new year. Wonderful!

  4. Great news. I am so happy for you and the new little life mergin with your own. Hug.

  5. Congratulations and welcome back. What a wonderful gift for the new year!

  6. 2010 For you has been blessed. This is the year of promised favour. Rejoice, again I say Rejoice.
    A truly lovely post. God bless you.
